Wednesday, October 7, 2015


So far, I've spent quite a bit of time talking about me, Katie Sue Sullivan Porter.  Struggles, joys, annoyances, okay mostly struggles (No I do not use this blog for free therapy!  Or...maybe I do. :P)  This is me:

(I have purpley-silver unicorn fairy hair.  You're welcome.)

But today I would really like to talk about someone else.  This is him:
(That older gentlemen on the bottom right is my father-in-law, Niel.  He's a great person, but I will not be talking today about him--Lincoln is the OTHER him, the tiny [ish] sweet-faced one)  :D

Lincoln Jacob Porter.  Link for short.  He will be turning two soon and he's basically the most important person in the universe.  Okay, well, in my universe.

I will most likely discuss my struggles with motherhood a lot during the course of this...whatever it is, my relationship with a digital text box.  But let me set the record straight here and now: my struggles as a mom are no kind of reflection on my son.  My struggles as a mom, that I will most likely discuss a lot, are the downfalls of my own humanness, MY less than perfection ness; and as far as I'm much as a two year old can be, my son is perfect.

Don't get me wrong, I don't live in some less-than-real world where he does no wrong ever, he has tantrums and fits and naughty behaviors just as any toddler does.  But he is the perfect kid in that he is good, and sweet, and curious, and loving, and mine.  In short, I will probably complain some...or a the course of this blogstery (that's "blog history"--I know, I'm totally a trendsetter).  But know this above all else...that my complaints are about MY downfalls as a mom, or MY less-than-ideal circumstances in life, or MY "opportunities for growth" as they may be called a la corporate review.

However when it comes to this kid, this 2 year old boy that changed my life forever when he made his "to be" existence known via a $5 pee stick, (very unexpectedly, I may add--a story for another day) he is perfection.  He is exactly what I never knew I wanted, and everything I needed to be the best version of myself.  I am grateful for him every second of every day, even at my worst or least patient moments...I am ever aware that he is a blessing I don't deserve; and yet somehow have.  I am honored to be his mom.  And I love him so much some days I feel like I physically can't take it.  So, to anyone reading, I'm sorry for the complaining you will hear me do and have heard all ready.  But if you learn nothing else about me, I hope you know...that I believe my son is the most important person in the universe.

Here are some things about Lincoln:

*He LOVES books.  Some of our most special moments are sitting together reading a book.  "Baby Bathtime" was his favorite for months, now "What I Like About Me" seems to be a big hit.  There is a mirror in the back of that book so it makes sense.

*Lincoln giggles all the time at his puppy named Goose.  Goose is more gentle with Lincoln than anyone else and they play together just like brothers.  Sometimes there's disagreements, at moments there are tears or accidental injuries, but most of the time there are giggles.

*Link obsesses over fruit snacks.

*Link's favorite t-shirt is a "Minion" shirt.  Adorable and makes him laugh.  Looks like this:

*Lincoln's favorite person in the world is his dad, Jake.  Second favorite person in the world is MY dad, Bumpa Slim.

*He is SO good at saying "No."  Other current favorite words / phrases are: "I didn't do it," "Hi," "Shoes," "Dog," and "Mom."

*We are working with him on talking as he's a teensy bit behind verbally.  But nothing we are too stressed about--Kids on the Move are helping us.

*He is SO good at climbing.  And stairs.  And slides.  And throwing balls.

 *He loves his buddies Will Kalmar and Jacob Squire.  He thinks he's one of the guys when they come over.

*Link's favorite shows are: Daniel Tiger, Magic School Bus, and Steven Universe.  Even mom can get behind this kind of TV--they are so fun!

*Playing with his cousin Brady is a big highlight for Link.  He also has been becoming better friends with Patrick, Brady's brother.  Lincoln and Patrick did not used to like one another, but they have come a long way!

*Lincoln is like a lot of kids and is OBSESSED with electronics.  Mom's phone and iPad are BIG hits.  Mom is okay with it when iPad is time Lincoln spends WITH mom.  This is when we cuddle and talk about things.  It worries mom though that he loves them SO much...

*Link is a big kid for his age.  Probably always will be!  But he's proportionate and usually is willing to try any new foods.  So we play at the park (we have one across the street!) and run in the yard to stay healthy as a family together.

*He loves music and loves to dance.  Beyonce has been a favorite literally since he was in the womb.  (He kicked my tummy a LOT in pregnancy whenever a Beyonce song was on--atta boy!) #teachinemyoung 

*Lincoln is a sweet boy with a lot of personality.  He can be very mischievous and sneaky too.  Like when he snitches mom's phone out of her pocket or purse.

*Lincoln is the most important person in the universe!  To his mom.  :P

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