Wednesday, November 18, 2015

How I Used to Judge "Those MLM Girls..." and Then I Became One

I am a wife, a mother, and a dog owner.  I also work full time.  Additionally, I direct, perform, and stage manage theater productions.  For the most part, all of these things bring in money and contribute to my "family nest egg."  We're a modern family--we split every arena of duties we have.  This isn't right or wrong, it's just us.  What I'm trying to say, none too eloquently, is that I don't need more money.  I don't really need one more thing on my plate.  And yet, I have CHOSEN to sell products through an MLM company.  Let me tell you why.

1.  I was desperately seeking an excuse to step outside my shell and feel I was ACTIVELY setting personal goals.
     I am lazy.  And I THRIVE on people helping me reach my full potential--school, weight watchers, corporate reviews, anywhere that I get feedback and feel I'm being "graded" by someone else, that is my JAM for succeeding and holding myself accountable.  In my personalized business development, i.e. learning to be a good career person adult, I was really becoming stagnant.  This venture (Perfectly Posh happens to be the one I'm doing for those interested) has given me a new sense of ambition.  It's not just helping me make a few bucks, but I'm more conscientious about what I'm doing and where I'm going in OTHER aspects of my life...including my day job and my family life.  Also, by doing this, I am finding personal satisfaction that has been missing for a long time because I set goals for ME and it's on me to achieve them or not.  I'm hard pressed to think I'm the only person that has felt that way.

2.  I admit...I wanted a few extra bucks.  But I also wanted to re-find my passion.  And I believe I have.  
       Full disclosure, I have never been a big fan of  the MLM structure or what it seems to turn people into.  There are a lot of people that take what used to be genuine friendships and turn them into "opportunities for business growth."  Yuck.  Do I still think this exists?  Yes.  But do I also think I was judging acquaintances too harshly?  Absolutely.  The fact is it's freaking HARD to put yourself out there.  And even though I'm new, having given this a shot...I now admire these people that, just like any other job, are putting food on the table...or making a few extra bucks for a special family trip...or whatever reason they have to do what they're doing.  They're putting themselves out there and TRYING.  Additionally, it really is possible to just love something.  Perfectly Posh is my MLM, as I mentioned, and I just happen to love lotion.  That's it.  I always have.  And without coming off like another sales pitch this is just really good lotion.  And so it's fun for me.  I like it.  And because it's just fun, the casual MLM environment allows me to do as much or as little as I want.  And in a backwards way, this makes me more excited about make whatever I do with my lotion hobby totally mine, and totally fun.

3.  I wanted a break from the social media screen.  Or more positive social media time, at least.
        Obviously most MLMs these days live and die by the social media engagement of their "consultants," "reps," whatever you call them.  So I'm NOT saying that I don't still check Facebook every day.  But the difference in my interactions now is that they are more often than previously FOLLOWED UP with real life interaction.  With people I like.  And who doesn't want more of that?  Also, "MLM girls" are not networks of stupid people.  I churn inside to admit I used to believe that.  But I did.  And I now am ashamed about it.  Because these MLMs networks are just like anywhere else on this green Earth--and it is full of dynamic, kind, interesting, and multi-faceted people I am LOVING getting to know.  A few ditzy eggs?  Obviously.  Like ANYWHERE.  And even the ditzy eggs, when you learn how to talk to them, are actually really incredible people also.  And the MLM scene in general I realize isn't perfect.  Like ANYTHING.  So occasionally maybe a facebook post comes off just a little insincere, or that MLM friend you have sent one too many party requests.  Woops.  They're human.  And maybe they have some things to work on as far as presentation or tactics.  But in a world where 90% of social interaction happens through a screen, is someone being a little too outgoing and trying to be positive about what they're doing the WORST thing that could happen?  I for one, especially given recent events, think Facebook especially could use a little more enthusiasm rather than negativity, even if it does come off cheesy.

4.  I was screaming inside for female bond time.
        Now, of course I value relationships far more than "the sale,"so I would NEVER want my friends to think I was always turning every conversation into a "networking opportunity."  Like I said, I can't account for all MLM people out there, but I can account for me.  And for me, the irony of that "sales friend" stereotype is I ultimately got into this for the exact OPPOSITE reason.  My main motive is to have a reason to see my friends.  Touch base with old ones.  Or make new ones.  Do you know how much easier it is to get to know people when you have something concrete and straightforward to talk about?  I consider myself a pretty outgoing person, and yet...again in a social media driven world, I have been really struggling to make new friends.  I get up, take my kid to daycare, go to work, come home, make dinner, do bath/bedtime, feed the dog, have just enough time to watch a show with my husband, then fall asleep, and do the cycle ALL over again.  I even depart from that more than many because I often do theater at night.  (The details of that commitment with its own problems will have to wait for another day, another post.)  I realize part of this cycle is what it is to be an adult.  What it is to be a parent especially.  What it is to be a human.  And yet this "business endeavor" has given me that reason to talk to people I wouldn't otherwise, make a new friend, and break up the cycle.  I may be a feminist, but when it comes to "girl time," my inner Barbie girl REALLY needed to visit with Stacie and Kelly.  In the convex of daily world chaos, it's really easy to not do it.  Make "me time" or "girl time" the last priority...and at least for my particular MLM, it's practically required!  For me, that's freaking sweet!  I make "goals" to have PARTIES to see my friends?!  How AWESOME is that?

5.  Don't worry...I'm not trying to recruit you.
      I write this post not to tell you that everything is awesome in the MLM world and so I just HAD to join; but I write to tell you that it IS pretty sweet, and that what makes it pretty sweet are people.  Relationship doors long closed are re-opening to me simply for having an excuse to say "How have you been?"  In short, I joined an MLM to find myself and my relationships again in a world where daily responsibility makes it really easy to get lost.  And through some silly products and a cutesy logo, I've been able to touch base with what Katie wants and how she interacts with this world around her.  Say what you will about MLMs, but people (and even those "MLM girls") are worth taking time to look at.  Thanks Perfectly Posh, for giving me a new journey and opportunity to know myself and others better, however long the journey may be...the people I'm meeting on the road are pretty freaking sweet.

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