Tuesday, October 6, 2015


 ...said no mom ever.


*Pumping at work (not gas) - where the hell?  BATHROOM?  (Yuck)

*Breast milk in company fridge...you're welcome everybody.

*Needing to take more sick days than daddy because you REALLY want to take care of your kids when they don't feel good.  This only goes over so-so to your boss.

*Being late...because of pregnant.  And because of puking.

*Having a meeting with ALL men.  "Nope, not intimidating at all to be the only vagina in the room!  Yep I can definitely contribute a lot to the football conversation!"

*Having a full day of meetings...and you're the only female in each meeting ALL day.

*Have a meeting with all men...they go to lunch afterward (probably on the company's dime)...and for some reason you're not invited.

*For some reason being expected to be note taker at a meeting of all men.

*When do people do laundry?  Heaven forbid after what feels like ditching my kid for 8 hours I want to just play with them when I get home!  And...maybe relax with my husband after bedtime?  Insanity.

*After-work play time is really not as much "play" as you would like... because of baths.  And dinner.  And homework.  And squeezed in life lessons.

*Feeling guilty about night time adult time, i.e. dinner with friends, movies with hubby, etc. because you spent all day away from your babies.  But, at the same time...sanity requires adult play time too.

*Just working mom guilt period.

*Contemplating changing life to stay-at-home mommy status.  And then contemplating the family budget without your income.  *PANIC*

*Thoughtful childcare providers that text photos of your sweet ones mid-day...and then the inevitable jealousy that follows.

*Wondering if corporate life is worth it...until your boss gives you the shot in the arm you needed with, "What would I do without Katie?"

*Wondering if you're the mom you want to be without spending all hours at home with your kids...until they give you the kiss and snuggle at nighttime that says, "I'm glad we have this time together, mom.  I love YOU."

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